Gary (Gazza) McIlroy :: Breakfast Show - 6am to 9am Mon-Fri

Gazza kicks off the day at Douglas FM with his very entertaining show,  'Breakfast Gazzamataz' which includes news, weather and music and special features.

Adrian Bannerman :: Saturday Sports Show - 7am to 9am

Adrian Bannerman heads up the Saturday morning Sports Show, with a selection of local hosts, showcasing local sports and events in the Douglas Shire. 

Rita Merrick & Jillian Hawkes :: Mornings 10am to 12noon Tue & Thur

‘Rita and Jilly’, can be heard between 10am till Midday on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Steve Barrett :: Douglas Conversations Wednesday 1pm & Sunday 3pm

‘Douglas Conversations’ goes to air with Steve Barrett on Wednesdays at 1pm and repeated on Sunday afternoons at 3pm. Interviews are available on our podcast page for listening to at a time of choosing,

Michael Joseph :: Wednesday Afternoon 4-6pm

The Drive Show with Michael Joseph can be heard on Wednesday afternoon between 4pm & 6pm. 

Paula Clancy :: Saturday 12 noon to 2pm

Paula is coming soon on Saturday afternoon from 12 noon to 2pm.

Tanya Morris :: Monday Afternoon 4-6pm

The Drive Show with Tanya Morris can be heard on Monday afternoon between 4pm & 6pm.

Alison Davis :: The Saturday Show 10am - Midday

Alison shares the microphone on Saturday mornings with an eclectic array of 'Special Guests'.

Neville Speakman :: Blues and soft rock on Sunday between 11am & 12noon

Listen to Neville Speakman (Nifty Nev) on Sunday morning between11am & 12 noon with blues and soft rock